
2 Clicks, 1 Vote Equals $100,000 for Sanfilippo Research, Vote Elisabeth Linton

July 9, 2013

Elisabeth Linton, founder of the Children’s Sanfilippo Research Foundation (Canada), has been nominated for a mother of the year award, a contest held by Walmart, Canada. The grand prize is $100,000 to be donated to the charity of the winner’s choice. Elisabeth was chosen out of 24,000 candidates to make it to the finals of just 20 moms!

A Note from Jill Wood

Why vote for Elisabeth?
Elisabeth has been a great inspiration and a mentor to me. When her daughter Elisa was diagnosed thirteen years ago with Sanfilippo B, she immediately hit the ground running. At the time there was only one other Sanfilippo Foundation driving the science for Sanfilippo. The Lintons jumped in, raising over 4 million dollars to date. They paved
the way for many researchers to get started on science for all types of Sanfilippo. In particular, funding from her foundation helped our primary investigator, Alexey Pshezhetsky, discover the mutation on chromosome 8 leading to the cause of type C. I owe this women so much.
Not only do I love Elisabeth for help in laying the primary ground work for JJB’s consortium of type C research. Elisabeth is also the type of woman and mother that young mothers look up to and aspire to be. I greatly admire her balance, something that I struggle with daily. Elisabeth created a power house Sanfilippo foundation, yet never put her family second, raising, two other healthy and dynamic children that are both in college now. Today, Elisa is 17 and struggles to eat and talk; her walking days over. Elisabeth cares for her 24-7, with a never-ending love and devotion.
Please vote now and pass the information along to your FB friends; voting ends August 1st.
I don’t want to be raising funds and fighting for a cure for ten more years, yet if I have to, I hope that I can do it with the grace and balance that Elisabth Linton exhibits. Please help me honor Elisabeth with this award.  It would mean the world to me to see her win this contest by a landslide, not just because the money won would go to funding the first US gene therapy for Sanfilippo A and B, but because Elisabeth truly deserves this honor.

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