50k Run for 8-Year-old Landau-Kleffner Syndrome Patient, Braden Peiffer, in Chicago
April 11, 2013
Date of Event: May 11th, 2013
Organization: Landau-Kleffner Syndrome 50K Run
Location: Chicago, IL
Molly Forsythe suffers from a rare disease: Sheehan Syndrome which is the destruction of the pituitary gland from a post partum-bleed. She was diagnosed and has been successfully treated for 2.5 years now. Since her diagnosis it’s been her mission to raise awareness for rare diseases.
Last year Molly ran a half marathon in Chicago for rare diseases. This year she has decided to run for 8-year-old Braden Peiffer and his rare disease Landau-Kleffner Syndrome. She has seen him personally suffer from this debilitating disease and although he’s had many successes a cure would be the biggest success of all.
So, she is running a 50k solo race, no crowds to cheer her on, no aide stations. Running with her will be his Aunt Darcy Lawler and another good friend, Amanda Collins. They will be running from her house to Buckingham Fountain in Chicago for a total of 31.1miles/50k. She has been posting to Facebook, emailing people and people are starting to listen: right now she has two people who’ve offered to run the ultra with her– virtually from their home state of FL!
Molly is encouraging anyone and everyone to run/walk/bike on May 11, 2013 in honor of Braden and LKS/rare diseases. She is also asking for people to donate in his name to The Global Genes Project to help raise awareness and, hopefully some day, find a cure for rare diseases!
Molly cites Kris Peiffer, Braden’s mom, as responsible for that smile in the picture above. She is a true warrior –fighting this disease while keeping her child happy and safe.
“I’m in awe of her strength and ability to carry on day to day with all she has to deal with,” says Molly. “This picture epitomizes her strength and tenacity to fight LKS.”
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