
“Boy Meets Girl,” New SMA Infographic Released by Gwendolyn Strong Foundation

August 1, 2014

The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation (theGSF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing global awareness of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), the #1 genetic killer of young children, accelerating research focused on ending this cruel disease, and supporting families impacted by SMA and other life-altering conditions. the GSF is an all volunteer organization, meaning 100% of your donation goes toward fulfilling our mission.

Recently, The GSF created a new infographic to help spread awareness on SMA.

Two people have a chance meeting while at a bar with some friends one night. They hit it off. They go on a first date. They fall deeply in love. Get married. And start a family. Neither of them knows they both carry the gene responsible for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), the leading genetic killer of young children. With every pregnancy, their children will have a 25% chance of being born with this brutal degenerative, terminal disease. They only learn about SMA after their child is diagnosed. There is no treatment. There is no cure.

This is SMA. It is the story for thousands of families around the world. And it could be your story too.

Learn more about SMA and how you can get carrier tested >>


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