
Feeling Love For Orphans: A Rare Disease Podcast by The Burrill Report

August 28, 2012

In a recent article (see below), The Burrill Report discusses an increasing interest in orphan drugs, offering promise for treating rare diseases.  Life sciences consultant, Kiran Meekings of Thomson Rueters offers her perspective in this essential and impactful podcast:  The Burrill Report (August 27, 2012): Feeling Love for Orphans (.MP3,10.22 Mb)


Feeling Love for Orphans: by The Burrill Report, August 24, 2012

Orphan drugs, which are developed to treat rare diseases, are being recognized for their big market potential. A new study from Thomson Reuters finds that not only is orphan drug growth outpacing the growth of non-orphan drugs, but that the lifetime revenue potential for these drugs rivals the lifetime revenue potential for drugs targeting more common health conditions. We spoke to Kiran Meekings, life sciences consultant at Thomson Reuters, about the new report, what’s driving the industry’s interest in orphan drugs, and why they represent promising opportunities for growth.


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