
Living Undiagnosed, Elaina Won’t Let her Health Impede her Dreams

February 26, 2013

I have an undiagnosed connective tissue disorder. It has affected my joints, heart, skeletal system, GI tract and has caused me to have short stature.

Since I first told my story last summer, a lot has happened. I have had a total of five surgeries since 2010. I started college last spring. I am studying biology to become a cardiovascular genetic counselor.

Overall, my health is still about the same.

I am currently having joint complications with one of my knees, and I’m still waiting on some test results to determine the cause and treatment of my knee issues. I am also on the waiting list for a genome sequencing.

Over the next year, I should get even closer to my answers. My health will never get in the way of me wanting to go after my dream. Not matter how much it hurts or how exhausting it is to get out of bed and go to school every day, I am determined to go out and do anything I put my mind to.

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