On May 11, 2014, PECO’s iconic LEDCrown Lights system will put the spotlight on the neuropathy epidemic just as The Neuropathy Association and people across the US– and around the World– gear up for National Neuropathy Awareness Week, May 12-16.
This Philly landmark joins millions to help raise the public profile of neuropathy, thanks in part to the efforts of local advocate Biomed Pharmaceuticals— a national pharmacy provider of injectable, oral, and infusion medications for those living with or affected by complex, chronic or acute conditions– headquartered near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
PECO estimates that in an evening, 100,000 people will see any one message. The PECO Crown Lights, a Philadelphia tradition, has been displaying messages atop its 23rd and Market Street headquarters since July 4, 1976. Since that time, the company has saluted local community and non-profit organizations with more than 17,500 messages.
Based in Philadelphia, PECO is an electric and natural gas utility subsidiary of Exelon Corporation. PECO serves 1.6 million electric and more than 500,000 natural gas customers in southeastern Pennsylvania and employs about 2,400 people in the region. Founded in 1881, PECO is one of the Greater Philadelphia Region’s most active corporate citizens, providing leadership, volunteer and financial support to numerous arts and culture, education, environmental, economic development and community programs and organizations.
The special lighting kicks off National Neuropathy Awareness Week (May 12-16)– an annual health observance sponsored by The Neuropathy Association. The Neuropathy Association applauds PECO for joining millions of people across the US– and millions more around the world– in recognizing the week, and bringing much-needed attention to this debilitating neurological disease.
Even though it is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and one of the most common chronic neurological diseases, neuropathy is often misunderstood, mis- and under-diagnosed, and inadequately treated. However, early diagnosis and treatment is critical to preventing and slowing the progression of neuropathy.
Since 1995, The Neuropathy Association has been working to change the public’s perception of neuropathy and help patients, health care providers, and the public at large understand the true scope of this debilitating disease. And since 2005, The Neuropathy Association has annually designated the third week of May as National Neuropathy Awareness Week on the federal government’s calendar of National Health Observances.
We recognize that neuropathy is a 24/7/365 battle for more than 20,000,000 people in the U.S. until we find better treatments and cures for neuropathy, every week is National Neuropathy Awareness Week, every day is Neuropathy Awareness Day. So our mission is 24/7/365; but during National Neuropathy Awareness Week, we rally ourselves and our community– patients, caregivers, and professionals– to help us take neuropathy awareness to the next level. Awareness and understanding of this disease– and its impact– are the drivers for allocating more funding for neuropathy research, developing more programs for the neuropathy community, and, ultimately, finding more therapies and cures.
A special thanks to the PECO team for this lighting opportunity– it is a beacon of hope for millions impacted by neuropathy!
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