Synonyms: Amyloidosis cutis dyschromica
A rare primary cutaneous amyloidosis characterized by macular or reticulate hyperpigmentation with symmetrically distributed guttate hypo- and hyperpigmented lesions which progress gradually over the years to involve almost the entire body (with relative sparing of the face hands feet and neck). Patients are usually asymptomatic however mild pruritus may be associated. Amyloid deposition in the papillary dermis is observed on skin biopsy. Systemic amyloidosis is not present and association with generalized morphea atypical Parkinsonism spasticity motor weakness or colon carcinoma is rare.
Data from Orphanet are used to provide information on a disease's name, synonym(s), and overview. Reference: Access aggregated data from Orphanet at Orphadata. Orphadata: Free access data from Orphanet. © INSERM 1999. Available on Data version October 2024
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