Press Releases

Global Genes® to Convene RARE Partnering and Investor Forum to Accelerate Drug Development for Rare Diseases

May 19, 2017

[Aliso Viejo, CA] May 19, 2017 – Global Genes®, a leading rare disease patient advocacy organization, will host the inaugural RARE Partnering and Investor Forum, Thursday, September 14th, at Hotel Irvine, in Irvine, CA, concurrent with the organization’s annual RARE Patient Advocacy Summit September 14-15, 2017. Attendees will include leaders from biopharmaceutical companies, investor community, research scientists, academic institutions, research foundations, and entrepreneurs with the goal of accelerating partnering and business development to catalyze innovation in rare disease drug development.
The rate of growth in research and development in the rare disease arena has been noteworthy. According to a recent report from Stratistics Market Research Consulting, the global orphan drug market is expected to grow at an annual rate of 10.5% through 2022. At this rate, the market is projected to increase from an estimated $145.89 million in 2016 to $265.63 million in 2022. With new rare diseases being identified, and only 5% of rare diseases have approved drug treatments, the unmet need in this space is expected to increase, and a targeted event like RARE Partnering and Investor Forum will be an important platform to support this growth.
“It is anticipated that the trend toward collaboration among patients, scientists and researchers, and healthcare professionals will continue,” said Nicole Boice, CEO of Global Genes®. “Collaborations prompt partnerships that can advance science and innovation, which promote the development of new drugs and other therapeutics that serve the rare community. Identifying funding sources for these collaborations is essential, and Global Genes® is dedicated to facilitating opportunities that support this critical partnering.”
RARE Partnering and Investor Forum presents an activity-packed day that networks with a compelling agenda including opportunities facilitated by EBD Group’s unparalleled 1-to-1 partnering platform, company presentations, and a Shark Tank-style pitch competition that will feature promising early stage companies, vying for the prize. Agenda highlights will feature insights from industry experts like Michael Broxson – Vice President, Head of R&D Business Development, Takeda Pharmaceuticals; Bharatt Chowrira – President, PureTech Health; John Crowley – Chairman and CEO, Amicus Therapeutics; Brad Margus – CEO, Cerevance; Art Pappas – Managing Partner, Pappas Ventures; Kush M. Parmar, M.D., Ph.D. – Managing Partner, 5AM Ventures; Alison Silva – President and CEO, Critical Outcome Technologies Inc.; and Jeremy Springhorn – Partner, Corporate Development, Flagship Pioneering.
This is the first partnering event focused on facilitating novel advancements and treatments for rare disease. Presenting company hopefuls have described the RARE Partnering and Investor Forum as a potential game-changer for their companies. They can focus on the science and technology, and direct their presentations toward investors who are committed to rare disease as an area of investment.
Current RARE Partnering and Investor Forum sponsors include BIO, BIOCOMM, California Lifesciences Association, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, EBD Group, FK Healthcare, Horizon Pharma, and Retrophin.
Event details and registration can be found here. Global Genes® is now accepting presenter applications.
About Global Genes
Guided by its mission to eliminate the challenges of rare disease, Global Genes® is a leading rare disease patient advocacy organization with worldwide reach that serves and promotes the needs of patients and families touched by rare and genetic diseases. Since 2009, under the unifying symbol of HOPE, the Blue Denim Genes Ribbon®, Global Genes® has been building awareness, developing patient-focused education and advocacy tools, and funding patient care programs and early investigative research. For more information, please visit Feel free to join the RARE conversation! Follow @GlobalGenes on Social Media.
Contact Author
Director, Marketing & Community Engagement
Global Genes®
[email protected]