RARE Daily

European Doctors Warn of Rare Syndrome in Kids Exposed to COVID-19

April 28, 2020

Rare Daily Staff

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service is warning physicians of reports of children with a rare, multi-inflammatory syndrome that may be linked to exposure to COVID-19.

The warnings, reported in a statement issued by the Paediatric Intensive Care Society, echoes similar reports in Spain and Italy.

The NHS alerted members of the society that there had been an increase in critically ill children presenting with the syndrome who had tested positive for COVID-19, while some had not.

“The cases have in common overlapping features of toxic shock syndrome and atypical Kawasaki disease with blood parameters consistent with severe COVID-19 in children,” the alert said. “Abdominal pain and gastrointestinal symptoms have been a common feature as has cardiac inflammation.”

Healthcare professionals have been told if they see children presenting with symptoms of toxic shock or atypical Kawasaki disease they should discuss the case early with pediatric infectious disease or pediatric critical care teams.

Parents whose children become ill or show symptoms of sepsis should seek medical attention. The alert sought to assure parents that these cases are rare. It also pointed them to guidance about COVID-19 from the Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health.

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