
Director of Community Development Needed at Williams Syndrome Changing Lives Foundation

December 2, 2012

Organization: Williams Syndrome Changing Lives Foundation

This is currently a non paid, volunteer position with preference given to family members of individuals with Williams syndrome.

This person will be responsible for developing and implementing all community, awareness and fundraising initiatives. Partnering with external individuals, corporations and others in the community, identifies and develops awareness initiatives, solicits donations, pledges or grants to effectively fund the operational overhead and outreach initiatives.

Planning and implementing all development activities, the Director of Community Development partners with the CEO to design a plan of action to create revenue for the organization. He/she will lead his/her team to implement the plan, reevaluating it periodically to maximize effectiveness. He/she develops all policies and procedures with regard to fundraising. In addition, the position oversees all special fundraising events and awareness events. The position will recruit and solicit volunteers when necessary. He/she will manage the fundraising budget, and report all progress to the executive director and board. He/she will also liaise with the external community, participate in events and with other organizations to promote the mission.

Must excel at building and maintaining long-term relationships with the external community. Must also possess excellent oral and written communication skills, as the position will be required to articulate the mission of the organization. The ability to anticipate the expectations and needs of her donors is also very important. Ethical practices and behavior is imperative. This is a non paid, yet pivotal volunteer position. Interested parties should email [email protected].

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