RARE Daily

Takeda Deal Integrates Real-World Data into Drug Development

October 30, 2020

Rare Daily Staff

Seqster PDM said it had entered into an extended agreement with Takeda Pharmaceutical to improve patient outcomes through better access and understanding of patient-level data.

Seqster will provide Takeda with instant access to its secure platform to visualize longitudinal electronic health records, genomic profiles, and wearable/fitness data across health systems for individual patients. Seqster’s technology supports real-time, real-world data and targeted patient engagement.

“By leveraging Seqster and extending Takeda’s external data and digital collaboration ecosystem, we will have better access to real-world evidence, integrating real-time into our workflows generating powerful data and insights for research and patient services,” said  Emir Roach, head of emerging technologies and digital partnerships, global IT at Takeda.

Seqster’s decision support system and research platform reduces the time for consenting and onboarding patient data during clinical trials. This enhances patient engagement and compliance through a single-entry point for electronic health records and integrates with partners enterprise data backbones.  

“Takeda’s strategic approach to adding Seqster’s technology capabilities into its data and digital foundation maximizes the full potential and rapid deployment of our platform,” said Ardy Arianpour, Seqster’s CEO and co-founder. “Our technology will help Takeda accelerate transforming clinical development in the post-COVID era, improving patient engagement and services, and streamlining safety and efficacy demonstration.”

Photo: Ardy Arianpour, Seqster’s CEO and co-founder

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