
Teen’s Unique Web-Design Fundraising Strategy Aids Companies and Nonprofits

May 6, 2015

Seventeen-year-old, Meredith Butenhoff, isn’t throwing a bake sale. She won’t ask you to participate in a 5K or wear a ribbon for awareness. No, she wants to make change one website at a time.

The Greenvile, South Carolina native had a unique idea for how to raise funds for her favorite charities. In exchange for a $1000 donation, she would offer companies a complete website for their business.

“I took a web design class in my freshman and sophomore years,” said Butenhoff. “And for the past two summers I’ve been building sites for work as a summer job.”

She started raising money for an organization called PAALS, a service dog nonprofit. She had a personal connection with the organization as they provided her with Sami, her own service dog. Buttenhoff suffers from two diseases–Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.

Now she’s working on expanding her altruistic reach.

“When I became a client of PAALS, my family and I wanted to raise $25,000 and through everything that I have been involved in – we have passed that goal,” says Buttenhoff. ” With my organization, Made By Mer – I’m hoping to build at least one site for each charity I’m supporting in the next 6 months, raising $1,000 for each of them.  Maybe Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 2.08.46 PMmy site will generate donations as well.”

It’s an ambitious goal, as she says each site, depending on variables can take her anywhere from four to eight weeks to complete.

She has now included Global Genes in her register of organizations her clients can donate to. Find out more about Meredith on her website here:

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