
Guide to Palliative Care and Complex Care: Patient Advocacy Summit Session

September 21, 2022

Guide to Palliative Care and Complex Care was part of the Caregivers Track at the Patient Advocacy Summit in San Diego, California September 12-14, 2022.

Becky Benson, Jessica Fein, and Julia Vitarello joined moderator Parvathy Krishnan, to compare and contrast palliative care and complex care, and how a coordinator can help decide when either is needed.

When RARE patients with complex medical issues need palliative care or complex care, a coordinator can make a huge difference. Learn the difference between the two and how to add one to your care team.

Moderator: Parvathy Krishnan, Director, Foundation Alliance, Global Genes
• Lily Gillmor, Associate Vice President of Palliative Care, Transitions LifeCare
• Liz Morris, Caregiver Advocate
• Jennifer Seidman, President, Ben’s Dream: Sanfilippo Foundation; Director of Community Engagement, Courageous Parents Network

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