Scot Langley, better known as Froggy to listeners of the syndicate radio show Elvis Duran and the Morning Show, learned in 2010 he had acromegaly, a rare, debilitating endocrine disorder caused by a non-cancerous pituitary tumor that triggers overproduction of two hormones that stimulate growth. Langley had been living with unexplained symptoms for 10 years, including profuse sweating and debilitating headaches. He also watched his feet, hands and jaw grow abnormally without understanding why. We spoke to Langley about his path to a diagnosis, his life since then, and why has decided to be so public about his condition.
We are proud and excited to appoint Scot Langley as our official MC at our Annual Tribute to Heroes Gala this year. Read more about the event on our main site here.
RARECast is a weekly series by Daniel S. Levine. Levine is an award-winning business journalist who has reported on the life sciences, economic development, and business policy issues throughout his 25-year career. He founded Levine Media Group in 2013, which produces The Bio Report and RARECast podcasts. Read his full bio here.
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