Primary localized amyloidosis

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Primary localized amyloidosis

Synonyms: Localized AL amyloidosis

Data from Orphanet are used to provide information on a disease's name, synonym(s), and overview.

Reference: Access aggregated data from Orphanet at Orphadata.

Orphadata: Free access data from Orphanet. © INSERM 1999. Available on Data version May 2024

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Primary localized amyloidosis?

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Advocacy Organizations

My Faulty Gene

My Faulty Gene is a nonprofit organization which provides information and assistance to any individual whose family medical history suggests genetic testing might be helpful in identifying an increased risk of disease due to a genetic mutation. We believe that everyone in need of genetic testing should have access to it.

My Little Sunshine Foundation

My Little Sunshine is a non-profit foundation dedicated to educating people about the importance of fertility preservation and making fertility resources accessible to all.

New Zealand Amyloidosis Patients Association

To make a positive and lasting impact in New Zealand, helping Amyloidosis disease patients from various disease subgroups ( AL, AA, hATTR, Wild Type) by working with local and international doctors, pharma treatment entities, as well as government agencies to bring approved funded treatment drugs into NZ for suffering patients. We desire to help build a lasting support system within the NZ health framework. We want an excellent wrap-around network of care to achieve for the sufferer to achieve a positive outcome in their well-being. This mission includes the wellness of the patient's caregiver and family whose needs, we feel, have been neglected.


Educate and provide resources to POC with Rare Cancers

Youth And Women for Opportunities Uganda-YWOU

Our mission supports Rare, orphan and undiagnosed diseases diagnosis, care and treatment, education, awareness and empowering health care professionals and patients care takers of rare, orphan and undiagnosed diseases arena in Uganda, build capacity and bridge lack of clinical knowledge and experience and provide search/quest for diagnostic laboratories, I advocate for changes in laws, practices

Clinical Trials

For a list of clinical trials in this disease area, please click here.