Alexion Pharmaceuticals Takes on New Clinical Trials for Myasthenia Gravis and Neuromyelitis Optica
July 8, 2014
Alexion Pharmaceuticals is racing forward with two new double-blind placebo controlled clinical trials this year. The first, for Myasthenia Gravis patients, will be used to determine if the eculizumab is an effective treatment for refractory Myasthenia Gravis (MG). The second, for Neuromyelitis Optica patients, will see if eculizumab can prevent relapses in patient with recurring NMO.
Participants for both studies must be at least 18 years old. For the MG trial, they must have a positive AChR antibody and must have been previously treated with at least two different medications or require IVIg of plasmapheresis. Patients are permitted to continue current use of any MG medications. Patients in the NMO trial must present with a positive test result for the NMO IgG antibody and have experiencing 2-3 relapses in the past 2 years, with at least one occurring in the last 12 months. Participants are allowed to continue present NMO medications. Participants remain in the study until it is over, in about 2 years or until a relapse occurs.
UPDATE: Alexion has completed enrollment on this trial. General information about MG will continue to be available on the website as well as periodic updates about the REGAIN study.
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