If you’ve read my blog these last few weeks you know it’s been a crazy time in my world recently. But things seem to be returning to normal.
I say “normal”, but what is “normal”? I mean, some things are fixed and certain. The sky is supposed to be blue. If one day the sky turned green or purple, well then that would just not be normal. Obviously that’s a silly and extreme example, but you get my point.
It’s easy to know what “normal” is on some things.
But when it comes to feeling accepted by others as a “normal” person, well, to me that’s a different story.
As anyone with PKU, or any rare disease for that matter, knows, it can be extremely difficult trying to fit in……
Kevin Alexander
You can read the rest of Kevin’s reflections and insightful blog HERE
May is National PKU Awareness Month!
Editor’s Note: Kevin Alexander has Phenylketonuria (PKU), a rare inherited metabolic disorder. Kevin shares with us his blog every week on Tuesday.
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