
“What’s Your Best Battle Cry?” August Blog Contest Winners!

September 2, 2013

Thanks to all who entered our contest for the best “battle cry!” We heard form fired up activists, patients, parents any multiple community and organization leaders. We loved seeing your positive attitude and inspiring slogans!

Some were funny! Some were weird, but most made our judges feel educated about each rare disease.

There were multiple clever slogans/mottos for different rare diseases and rare disease in general. So it was a tough choice to pick just three winners for this month’s contest.

Thanks again to all those who entered–you can still read and share all the slogans sent in by heading to the original post. And now on to our winners!


1. Congratulations on her first place win to Laura Bodle Castillo and the Association for their fantastic slogan:

“It’s amazing how a deletion can add so much to your life”


2. Angie Milner gets a round of applause for her second place tagline

“Degranulated but not Destroyed for Mast Cell Activation Disorder and Mastocytosis.”


3. And lastly let’s toast a glass of cornstarch to Amy M! For her fantastic entry for Glycogen Storage Disorder:

“Got Cornstarch?”


Thanks again to all those who entered and stay tuned this week for the announcement on our September blog contest!

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