
Health & Safety Information

The health and safety of the rare community is of the utmost importance to Global Genes. Before attending, each person should consider the risks associated with traveling to and from and attending an in-person event.

Global Genes will adhere to state guidelines as issued at the time of our event based on the event location. The below Health & Safety guidelines are subject to change.

Proof of COVID-19 vaccination must be provided when checking in at the event. Those who cannot receive the COVID-19 vaccination are required to show proof of an exemption. Those unable to receive the vaccine or who do not have proof of vaccination are required to submit a negative COVID test completed in the last 24 hours when checking in at registration.

All attendees are strongly encouraged to take extra precautions, such as wearing a mask and practicing social-distancing guidelines. Global Genes will provide masks for all attendees who may need them at registration and the information desk upon request. Global Genes will provide sanitizing stations throughout the conference space. Each attendee will also receive a personal bottle of hand sanitizer in their conference bag at registration.

Sharing Your Contact Comfort Level

To help attendees easily communicate their level of comfort interacting with one another, Global Genes will provide color-coded stickers to all on-site attendees to put on their name badges:

Red = Physical Distancing – Greet from Six Feet
Blue = Elbows Only
Green = Handshakes and Hi-fives


Global Genes strongly encourages all individuals to be tested for COVID-19 prior to traveling to any event. Individuals who test positive should stay home and attend virtually. If you need to change your registration to attend virtually, or you are on-site and test positive for COVID-19, please email [email protected].
Those unable to receive the vaccine (medical or religious exemption) or do not have proof of vaccination are required to submit a negative COVID test (taken within 24 hours of arrival) when checking in at registration. Global Genes will have rapid COVID tests available at registration for those who may need one. If you test positive for COVID-19 up to 14 days after returning home, please email [email protected].

In order to be respectful of participants with fragrance sensitivities, we ask that everyone attending limit the use of perfume, cologne, Axe, lotions, hair products, or other scented products. If you have other medical sensitivities, please contact registration while on site, and we will do our best to accommodate.