
I Am Not a Mystery: My Struggle with Pyoderma Gangrenosum

February 15, 2024

My name is Lasaunia Thompson, I was faced with an unnamed disease that tormented me for seven long years. This sudden and excruciating ailment left me with enduring pain, making even the softest cotton sheets unbearable against my skin. Despite numerous medical procedures and consultations, I was consistently labeled a medical mystery. My response was always, “No, my name is Lasaunia. What I have is the mystery.”

One day, I turned to prayer, telling God that if I was chosen to carry this disease, I needed the strength to cope with it. I started to affirm myself and changed my perspective on my wounds and condition. Journaling became a means of waiting for divine guidance.

In January 2021, I finally received a diagnosis of a rare disease known as Pyoderma Gangrenosum (PG), notorious for causing large, painful sores, often on the legs. With medications prescribed by my rheumatologist, I began to experience a better quality of life. My message to anyone facing adversity is to trust in God, write down your thoughts, and be kind to yourself. I firmly believe that victory is attainable for everyone. I share my story as a testament to prove that triumph is possible on the other side of hardship.

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