
Global Genes Segment on The Balancing Act® Airing on Lifetime TV Focuses on Hope and Support for Rare Diseases

February 21, 2014

Popular morning show The Balancing Act® airing on Lifetime® TV focuses on hope and support for the RARE Disease community, caregivers and the little known Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder, which affects up to 70 percent of people who are totally blind [1]. The new episode aired on Friday, February 21st at 7:00 a.m. (ET/PT). The show will re-air on February 28th at 7:00 a.m. (ET/PT) The show is the first half-hour long special devoted to Behind the Mystery: Rare and Genetic.



Featured on the show were the following guests:

– Global Genes Celebrates World RARE Disease Day
30 million people in the United States are living with rare diseases – this equates to 1 in 10 American or 10% of the population. Global Genes is an advocacy support group at the forefront of education and providing resources for those in the RARE community, and connects families trying to cope. Join President and Founder Nicole Boice and Patient Ilana Jacqueline as they share their stories of hope and support during this “Behind the Mystery: Rare and Genetic Diseases” segment. This show will re-air February 28, World Rare Disease Day.

– Helping Caregiver Moms Stay Positive with Discount Medical Supplies
Caregivers of children with special needs know that some days can be very challenging…but there is hope, support and help. Join Julie Moran and Dr. Jon Segal, CEO of Discount Medical Supplies and a caregiver himself, as viewers learn more about the challenges America’s caregivers face each and every day, and what resources are available to them. The company also gives back to charities benefitting special needs children and others.

Non-24: When Night & Day are Out of Sync with Vanda Pharmaceuticals
It’s called Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder (Non-24). People with Non-24 have periods of severely disrupted nighttime sleep and an overwhelming urge to sleep during the day, which may lead to a decrease in functionality. Non-24 is a serious, chronic circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 95,000 totally blind Americans.[2],[3] Many people impacted do not even know what they have, or do not realize that there is an underlying issue with their master body clock. Due to its cyclical nature and low awareness among physicians and patients, Non-24 is often misdiagnosed as insomnia or a mood disorder, leading to a delay in diagnosis or a misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. Join Dr. Helene Emsellem from the Center for Sleep & Wake Disorders, and Anthony, a father of four who lost his sight in an accident and began experiencing Non-24 symptoms, for this “Behind the Mystery: Rare and Genetic Diseases” segment. Together, they will discuss the journey to diagnosis, symptom management and the importance of patient-physician dialogue.

About The Balancing Act® airing on Lifetime Television
Now in its 6th year, The Balancing Act® continues to empower women in all aspects of their lives. The mission at The Balancing Act is simple – the show strives to help today’s modern woman balance it all by bringing them exceptional solutions to everyday problems. Entertaining, educational and trusted by women, viewers can tune in to America’s premier morning show The Balancing Act on weekday mornings at 7:00 am (ET/PT) airing on Lifetime television. For additional information or to view a segment visit:

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