The Myositis Moon Walk team has partnered with Myositis Support and Understanding (MSU) to increase awareness and education of Myositis, a rare inflammatory autoimmune disease. This life-threatening disease, for which there is no cure, causes muscle weakness, inflammation, pain, skin rashes, lung disease, impairment in swallowing, and life-altering fatigue. It affects approximately 5 out of 1 million people a year.
The purpose of this walk is to spread awareness about Myositis and provide support for the patients impacted in Alabama. It is being highlighted as a part of national May Myositis Awareness Month.
Patients from all over the state will join together at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL on May 4th, 2024 to take one small step at a time to launch the voice of the patients and their families that live daily with this disease.