
Cell and Gene Medicine

April 12, 2021


Rare disease patients say their biggest concern about exploring a specific gene medicine is being able to make an informed decision about their care. Cell and gene medicine science has moved at an unprecedented pace in the past few years, and researchers have worked tirelessly to harness new tools and technologies for human therapeutic use.  

To help make you a better informed patient, advocate, or supporter, we are providing you with a variety of both in-depth and overarching resources to help you better understand Cell & Gene Medicine and educate your patient communities. For more resources, check out the Healing Genes resources from the ARM Foundation for Cell & Gene Medicine.


Educate Your Community on Cell & Gene Medicine- ARM Foundation for Cell & Gene Medicine



Additional Resources:



As scientists race toward potentially curative therapies, we feel encouraged and inspired to engage and inform patients, advocacy group leaders, caregivers and other stakeholders about cell and gene medicine. We hope that these tools will inspire confidence in your knowledge of cell & gene medicine and help to create a more informed rare disease community.


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